Gadugi Friends

Dear Gadugis Friends,

What an incredible year at the Peace Village!

Venerable Dhyani has taught 2 Peacekeeper weekend Intensives, as well as the 7 day Beauty Way Teachings.

The land was blessed with the prayers of HH Chetsang Rinpoche, Ven. Dhyani, Native Elders and approximately 250 participants during the Heart of Compassion. These prayers continue to vibrate throughout the ley lines of the land and can be sensed especially during our celebrations of the Ceremonial Cycles.

With the changes in seasons and the coming of snow, the Peace Village rests but the ukdanas and little people continue to make their presence known. The elements change their appearances–the Waters from rain to snow, the Air from warm and sunny to brisk crisp cold, The Earth from a softness of each step to the firmness of crunchy ice and snow, Fire from the warmth of the sun to the hidden embers and the Sacred Sounds now with the sounds of Canadian geese flying south within the quietness of natural contractions for rest and rebuilding. During this special season of Fall, we have had spectacular foliage color displays…lasting many weeks. Frequently heard here was “Oh, the leaf peepers left too soon!” The colors continued to intensify throughout all of October and into November. So very special is this Land that Venerable’s ancestors envisioned here in the valley.

The Firekeepers and Grandmothers continue to tend the Sacred Fires every New Moon with the Stick Dances, Dance of the Directions, Basic Meditation and Medicine Wheel Mandala Practices offered. Our circle has been growing and people make offerings of corn meal and prayers of gratitude.

We have seen abundance and are grateful for our Teacher, each other, our children, our Elders and those who have made the journey to other dimensions.

Weekly practice continues on Thursday evenings with David Walker and he writes of these gatherings:

“Practice at the temple where the ley lines and starlines meet. Everything is open to everywhere. New people come every month keeping us in beginner mind. The ancient ones practiced here and sometimes you can hear them, and always the blessings arise. The practice is called basic yet is known as a doorway to a boundless perfect sphere. I am grateful.” GrandFather David W

As this newsletter is for the Gadugis, we are reminded of the words of Venerable in Voices of our Ancestors, “In Tsalagi tradition certain ‘bundles’ representing the teachings, spiritual duties and ceremonies are given. To caretake such a bundle requires maintenance of certain prayer cycles, states of mind and abstinence from such behavior as intoxicants and cruel or untrue speech and action. We reaffirm understanding of our life purpose and relationship with these rituals of good cause making, diligently clarifying and transforming attitudes and thought forms that obscure full manifestation of wisdom.”

Star Maiden is still with us today. We are all engaged in this story. All of us have come to Earth as a spark of clear mind and we all stand firmly upon the Earth. We all have a watery nature. And we all have the fire within.

Thank you,
Rev. Tori